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What You Should Know About Temp Labor

The world of temp labor is not new, yet it seems only recently have temporary jobs become a hot topic. The work-from-home (WFH) boom has caused many 9 to 5 professionals to clock out from their desk job and join the temp labor force.

In most situations, temporary employment is a great opportunity for both the worker and the company. It feels less permanent and daunting, offers flexibility for all parties, and provides an easy-out if the contract isn’t a good fit.

Whatever your reason for dipping your toes into contract work, we thought it necessary to share what you should know about temp labor before you begin.

What Does Temp Labor Mean?

A temp hire (also called temps) refers to someone who is working a temporary job under a time-based contract. You, the temp hire, will agree to fill a position at a company for a set period of time as opposed to becoming a long-term, permanent employee.

Your contract (between you and the company, staffing agency, or both) will outline the expectations of the temporary position. It will state the exact start and end dates of your job, along with all the other legal and technical details of your position.

In some cases, your temp job may turn into a permanent hire, which brings us to our next point.

What Is the Difference Between Temp and Temp to Hire?

A temp is exactly as outlined above, but there is a difference between temp and temp-to-hire.

A temp-to-hire (or contract-to-hire) position means you will fill the role at the company for the contracted timespan, just as a regular temp would. However, if you perform well during that contracted time, you can become eligible for full-time (permanent) employment.

So, pay close attention to the wording on job postings to know if you will have the potential of going full-time or not after everything is said and done.

Why Do Companies Hire Temp Labor?

Temp labor has many benefits; there’s no wonder why companies hire temporary employees. Flexibility is arguably the most significant benefit. A company can keep its staffing levels optimal as their needs for help fluctuate.

Hiring contract workers is also more cost-effective than taking on a full-time employee if the position doesn’t necessarily require a permanent hand.

Temp Labor

How Do You Find Temp Jobs?

Finding a temporary job follows a similar procedure as finding a permanent position.

You will prepare your resume as usual. Then, you will search for temporary or contract positions on job boards. If you don’t get any bites from those job boards, you can reach out to a local temp labor agency.

A temp agency can help you connect directly to companies, saving you time and effort. On the other hand, searching job boards for contract positions reveals opportunities and allows you to apply quicker. We recommend doing both to cover all your bases.

Do Temp Workers Have Employee Rights?

Yes! Anyone who engages in temp labor has the same rights as permanent employees. Many temporary workers believe they have fewer rights because of the nature of how they were hired. It doesn’t look or feel like a traditional hire. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Temp workers are entitled to the right to fair wages & protection from discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and wrongful termination. You are also entitled to transparency about the terms and conditions of your contract.

The EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) chimed in on the topic, stating, “Temp staffers typically qualify as ‘employees’ of the staffing firm, the client to whom they are assigned, or both. Thus, staffing firms and the clients to whom they assign workers may not discriminate against the workers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.”

Keep in mind that, while you have rights, you likely won’t receive the same benefits as permanent workers. Those benefits include health insurance, vacation time, and other company perks.

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