Starting a Career in Sales at 40 Is Possible

Starting a Career in Sales at 40 Is Possible

Is sales the right move for you? If so, starting a career in sales at 40 is possible.

Many people ages 40, 50, and beyond feel like it’s too late in life to make a career change. Well, the short answer is that you have time to develop a meaningful career regardless of age.

The real question is, what is holding you back? There are anti-ageism laws in place in the US. You’re just as competent as anyone else. And you’re just as capable of learning new things and showing up in your sales role.

Times of stagnancy and “what if” is over. It’s time to start a career in sales- at 40.

Tips for Starting a Career in Sales at 40

We know it’s an overwhelming process. The challenge usually lies in knowing where to begin. Follow these simple tips to help you navigate a sales career at an older age.

Value Time Over Money

Regardless of obvious financial needs, there is nothing more valuable than time. Money is energy, and you’ll always receive more of it when needed. Your paycheck will come every month, but time is always fleeing- always diminishing. And you cannot replace time.

That is one reason why it is not wise to wait for the perfect opportunity to start a career in sales. If you are always waiting on the “right time” to start, then you’re losing time that could have been spent taking action.

Realistically, there is never going to be a perfect time to start any job. Think of it this way. Let’s say you and your friend started job searching at the same time. They started applying to jobs before you- without wasting time- and got hired a few weeks later.

Meanwhile, you’re still sitting around waiting for a good chance to start applying. No job, weeks of time wasted. Which situation would you rather be in?

By prioritizing your time above money, your opportunity for success is maximized. And you’ll reap the benefits of forward-moving momentum.


Starting a career in sales at 40 means doing a lot of networking. And we are not just saying this to harp on building relationships. People are the key to furthering yourself along in a sales role. It is a genuinely important part of the process.

It helps to have other professionals in your circle who can support you. Who knows? They might even have job recommendations or know so-and-so who can connect you with a position.

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

Do Mindset Work

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are 40+ is forgetting to adapt. Starting a career in sales at 40, 50, or even 60 involves a lot of mindset work. Think personal development, self-reflection, and building an internal framework for healthy thinking.

Ask yourself this question. Do you believe it is possible? Do you believe in yourself to be successful in sales? Sitting down with yourself and gauging where your mindset is will make a difference in your attitude.

You can also try taking personal development classes. Even get advice from people in your network who have drive and passion. These are the people who will give you a realistic, healthy perspective on the difficulties you are facing.

Comfort Zone

Put Yourself Out There

You will have to leave your comfort zone behind if you want to begin a career in sales at 40. Even though you desire a change and a new career path, you’re still in a comfort zone. A feeling or place in life that is familiar.

If you want to succeed, you will have to put yourself out there. Attend professional events. Be the first to reach out to people. Do something you haven’t done in a while.

Polish Your Resume

This tip for starting a career in sales at 40 is pretty straightforward. Your resume should be a perfect reflection of what you’ve accomplished so far.

If you have not been on the job hunt for a while, it’s likely you need to update your resume. Don’t just limit your resume with job experience. Dip into any personal projects you’ve completed. What have you done outside of the office that demonstrates your expertise?

At this point, you’ve likely racked up several decades of work history, but don’t list it all on the same CV. If you find your resume leaking into two or more pages in length, here’s what to do when you have too many jobs to list on your resume.

Skip the Interview and Go Straight to a Dallas Recruiter

Are you looking for a job in the sales industry in Dallas, Texas? Our team can help you find the perfect sales position that aligns with your objective, future goals, and current skill set. We will connect you straight to hiring companies to expedite your job search.

If you are trying to fill a sales-based role within your company, Sales Recruiters Dallas can also help you hire the perfect candidate. We use a hands-on approach that’s proven to get results and makes the hiring process a breeze. Learn more about us or reach out to one of our team members to hire talent or get hired sooner rather than later.

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