6 Secrets About How to Get Headhunted Now

6 Secrets About How to Get Headhunted Now

The beauty of headhunters is that they seek you out. So, how do you get headhunted for your next job? Whether on LinkedIn or beyond, these secrets will make you visible.

There’s this sort of mystery that surrounds headhunters (aka recruiters or hiring professionals).

How did they get your number? How did they find you? The headhunter in question might reveal their sources- but probably not. So, what’s up with all the mystery surrounding those calls or LinkedIn messages?

Well, these recruiters want you to feel special. They also don’t want to tip off your current boss that they’re trying to pull you from the flock.

But maybe you’re trying to find a new job, and you actually want to get headhunted. If so, here are our secrets that will help you stand out and attract headhunters by the droves.

1. LinkedIn Is Golden

Utilize LinkedIn now. You are ahead of the game if you already have a profile on LinkedIn. Since the platform is based on professional networking, it is a prime target for headhunters. They live and breathe on LinkedIn, pulling referrals and searching for active candidates.

About three people are hired via the platform every minute. So, if you’re wondering how to get headhunted, just get on LinkedIn. Fill out your profile completely and start sending connection requests.

2. Work Hard & Start Personal Projects

The first half of this secret is tricky if you don’t currently have a job. It’s unfortunate that society dictates that if you’re unemployed, you are unattractive (as a candidate). However, keep pushing. Any work (freelance, contract, etc.) is better than no job.

Also, work hard in your current role to build your skillset. Hard workers do get noticed by headhunters because they tend to excel beyond their colleagues. While you’re at it, start up a few personal projects. An interesting personal project can gain a recruiter’s attention regardless of your work status.

3. Become More Visible

Are you hiding away from the grasp of social media? Do you prefer to leave a minimal online footprint? Well, those things are fine- if you don’t want to get headhunted. The internet is how everyone finds everything- including you.

So, while this might make you cringe, you must be visible on social media. Most headhunters scan social media to find contacts. If you are already on their radar due to other means, they will probably try to find your number or email somewhere on social media. Some recruiters even go so far as to message you on social media directly, but this usually only happens on LinkedIn.

4. Create a Personal Brand

Branding is one way to get headhunted because you stand out from the rest. Developing a personal brand is not talked about enough. There’s this common idea that only people in marketing worry about branding. But that’s further from the truth.

6 Secrets About How to Get Headhunted Now

Everyone should create their own personal brand. Regardless if you are conscious of the fact, you are a walking brand anyways. How you speak, act, wear your clothes, and think is part of your personal brand. It is your individual identity. Work on cultivating who you are and stay consistent with how you present yourself in the professional world.

5. Have Business Cards

Do you have professional business cards? Even if you’re fresh in the workforce, you should always have business cards. Why? You never know when you will meet someone who could be a great connection- or a headhunter.

We recommend using Vistaprint to design your cards. You can customize everything from the colors to the thickness or shine of the card. Give out your cards at functions, events, and socials to maximize your in-person networking.

6. Publish Something

Being approached by a recruiter or headhunter means becoming well-known. Perhaps you’ve demonstrated thought leadership, or maybe you published an extraordinary research piece. Try to publish something online or in print. Send out interview proposals to industry-related magazines. They might like your story and decide to feature you! That means lots of exposure for your name.

The key is to publish articles that get you noticed by headhunters. So, we’re talking about high-quality writing that’s relevant and engaging. Always ensure your name is listed wherever you’re featured and link back to your LinkedIn or personal website.

Skip the Interview and Go Straight to a Dallas Recruiter

Are you looking for a job in the sales industry in Dallas, Texas? Our team can help you find the perfect sales position that aligns with your objective, future goals, and current skill set. We will connect you straight to hiring companies to expedite your job search.

If you are trying to fill a sales-based role within your company, Sales Recruiters Dallas can also help you hire the perfect candidate. We use a hands-on approach that’s proven to get results and makes the hiring process a breeze.

Learn more about us to hire talent or get hired sooner rather than later.

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