How To Hire A Sales Manager for Success

How To Hire A Sales Manager for Success

You’re about to build a sales team for your company. But you’re missing one critical component- a manager. Knowing how to hire a sales manager is vital for your organization’s success. These individuals are responsible for guiding your entire sales team and exceeding the bottom line.

Before we dive into our tips for hiring a sales manager, let’s set the stage by discussing why refining your hiring methodology is so important. Fully understanding the “why” will help you make better, precise decisions during the talent acquisition process.

Why Should You Know How to Hire a Sales Manager?

Think of it this way. You wouldn’t make a large monetary investment into something without knowing its features, benefits, and the value it will add to your life. You also wouldn’t give someone thousands of dollars without understanding why they need it and what will come of your investment.

The same can be said for taking someone on as an employee. The average sales manager’s salary ranges from $101,604 to $141,034. So, you want to know how to hire a sales manager for the best possible outcome- financially speaking.

Additionally, the sales manager is the one leading your sales team. That means they have a hand in a variety of revenue-generating tasks like finding leads, forecasting, managing the team overall, and more.

Their ultimate goal is to bring in more clients and boost profits for your company. That reason alone is enough motivation to learn how to hire a sales manager.

How to Hire a Sales Manager

How to Hire a Sales Manager

Did you know there are over 3.6M sales managers on LinkedIn? That leaves a wide talent pool to pick from. But before you do, here is how to hire a sales manager for success. Follow our tips and advice to ensure your sales manager blends well with your company’s goals, mission, and needs.

Look for Communication Skills

Part of being a sales manager is knowing how to communicate effectively. They should also be an active listener to fully digest what others on the team (and clients) are saying.

A good sales manager also knows when to ask the right questions. So, look for an individual that demonstrates excellent rapport and can hold a conversation. Poor communication will ultimately hurt your entire sales team and lead to inefficiencies.

Look for Managerial Skills

As the name suggests, your sales manager must have managerial skills. It’s one thing to look the part, but do they have the experience to back themselves up? Ask your potential hire about times they led a team and worked to meet a quota.

And always hire a managerial-minded individual who understands the importance of analytics, progression checks, accountability, and the behavior it takes to drive sales.

Consider Timing & Resources

One of the biggest indicators for knowing when to hire a sales manager is timing and resources. Consider these two factors separately. It might be the right time, but you might lack the resources to hire a new employee- and vice versa.

Ask yourself if you plan on hiring from within or seeking a fresh face? Do you have the resources and time to onboard someone completely new to your company? Really consider how much time, energy, and money you want to invest in your new sales manager.

Look for mentorship skills

Look for Mentorship Skills

Knowing how to hire a sales manager also means identifying who makes an excellent mentor or coach. As a team lead, you must be motivating, encouraging, and compassionate. Sales managers could affect turnover because the reps and manager don’t get along or have no relationship at all.

Choose talent that spends most of their time coaching; they’ll usually have the highest performance. A good sales manager is willing to work with others, help the team solve challenges, and learn each personality to cultivate a unified salesforce.

Consider the Sales Pipeline

What does your sales pipeline look like? What steps are involved, and who are the key players? Your sales manager should have a firm grasp of your existing pipeline, as well as how to modify or create a new one. This skill is especially important for companies that have a complex sales process.

Skip the Interview and Go Straight to a Dallas Recruiter

Are you looking for a job in the sales industry in Dallas, Texas? Our team can help you find the perfect sales position that aligns with your objective, future goals, and current skill set. We will connect you straight to hiring companies to expedite your job search.

If you are trying to fill a sales-based role within your company, Sales Recruiters Dallas can also help you hire the perfect candidate. We use a hands-on approach that’s proven to get results and makes the hiring process a breeze.

Learn more about us to hire talent or get hired sooner rather than later.

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