Ways to Boost Your Confidence and Nail the Sale

3 Ways to Boost Your Confidence and Nail the Sale

Even the most seasoned professionals struggle with confidence during sales calls. Hopping on Zoom for a quick video chat is just as daunting as meeting face to face. Even the term “sales call” sends a burst of nervous energy. But once those nerves settle (they never fully do), your ability to put on a confident smile kicks into gear. Knowing how to harness that confident energy is key to nailing the sale, whether it be on Zoom or at an event. So, here are our top 3 ways you can boost your confidence during your next sales call.

(Fun Fact: It takes about 8 cold call attempts to reach a prospective client. So, don’t get let down!)

Ways to Boost Your Confidence and Nail the Sale

1. Shift Your Mindset

This first point is a biggie. One of the best ways to boost your confidence and nail the sale is to shift your mindset. Surround yourself with positive, confident people who have built their confidence and can shed that energy on you as well.

Negative self-talk and self-doubt should be replaced with positive thoughts. Tell yourself that the sales call will go well. Even if you don’t believe it at first, your brain will be tricked into believing it, and confidence will generate.

Mindset development is a proven secret to success for anyone.

2. Focus on the Client

Remember that you are there to serve your client- or potential client. After all, they are speaking to you for a reason. They trust you and desire to have a conversation with you.

If they didn’t, they would have shut you down immediately. So, move your attention to the fact that they WANT to speak with you, and you are there to SERVE them.

Ask what their major goals are and what they want to achieve by working with you. Fine-tune how you can help them and develop a solid conversation. It’ll ease nerves for everyone.

Ways to Boost Your Confidence and Nail the Sale

3. Develop a Process

Do you follow a written process or a script every time you jump on a sales call? If not, you should! This is a powerful, simple way to nail the sale without doing anything but getting organized. When you can fall back on a process or script when you feel a bit shaky, it will steer the conversation in the right direction.

Processes take the guesswork out of closing a deal. It also reassures your client that you know what you’re going and you’re following a strategy—more confidence for everyone.

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